Do you have that one friend who no matter what, if you plan to hang out with them, they'll always ask: Can I bring my partner?
Or... Are you that friend who always asks if your partner can come along when you get an invitation to an event?
Either way, I have the perfect solution for both of you.
Watch: Horoscopes & Dating. Post continues below.
Tiktoker bran_flakezz has gone viral after posting a video showing exactly which social situations you can ask to bring your partner to (if you want to bring them of course).
@bran__flakezz Replying to @sarah the classic tale of can my boyfriend come #relatable #dating #friendship ♬ Suspense - Gold-Tiger
In the video, Bran breaks down the answer visually into four quadrants and says that the answer to the question is based on two things - How formal the plans are and how intimate they are.
If it's a casual but intimate hang-out: Don't ask if you can bring your partner. Your friend just wanted one-on-one with you. Whether that be brunch, going for drinks or a little stroll. Bran says, "Just because you're dating them, doesn't mean I have to."
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