Early parenthood, amirite?
It’s the best of times, it’s the worst of times and just when your head can’t take one more hours-long whine-athon, your little people go exploding your heart with paralysing joy.
Last Wednesday, I got a call from a frazzled friend (also a working mum of an almost three-year-old) to tell me the weird itching that was driving her crazy at daycare drop-off was, in fact, lice. Right before that, I’d sent a crying-laughing emoji (yes hi, I’m a millennial) back to another friend’s picture of her wardrobe completely emptied onto her bedroom floor with the caption, "I had the nerve to try and go pee".
It was then, glancing over at my little one reading to himself in that beautiful toddler monologue, that it hit me — I have never felt more in my entire life.
There truly is nothing like the early years of parenting — it will steamroll you with a heady mix of conflicting feels a dozen times before 9am, and honestly, all I can say is, somehow it’s all worth it.
The thing is, there’s plenty to say about how bloody hard the whole thing is. Especially in the early years, but every parent knows there’s even more to be said about how utterly, unbearably brilliant those tiny creatures can be.
So, whether you’re down in the early parenthood trenches or riding that blissful motherhood high right now, let’s take a moment for those early parenthood glimmers that make us realise why we’re all hanging out on this big blue ball, barrelling our way around the sun.
Enjoying all of the firsts.
There are so many beautiful firsts over a lifetime and it feels like most of them get squeezed into the first five years of parenting. The first time your baby rolls over, the first time she says "Mama", or takes that precious wobbly step. When your toddler learns his S sounds and stops pronouncing it "barkitball". When your child walks up to you in the middle of a meltdown and says, "Mummy, do you want a cuddle?".