When I was pregnant, I truly thought dressing our baby would be one of the easy jobs. Not just easy, a delight! A joy. As I embraced the nesting phase in the weeks before our daughter was born, I started dreaming about the clothes I’d pick out for her. I had visions of tiny satin hangers lining a neat open wardrobe, of little matching outfits with headbands, bows and silky booties coordinated in drawers.
But when she was born, and the sleep-deprived cyclone of newborn life took over, the reality hit very differently. Getting a baby dressed, as it turns out, is hard work. And it only gets more difficult the longer and more squirmy their limbs get. One day they’re gazing at you lovingly from the change mat, the next day they’re flipping over like a naked, squirmy salmon. No, in my one year of parenting, I’ve learnt that negotiating with criss-cross apron straps is additional stress you don’t need in your day, and no one wants to be messing with press-studs at 2am.
Putting my fashion editor hat on for a second, the whole 'capsule wardrobe' approach is actually really helpful to apply when shopping for a baby. It’s easy to get caught up in Instagram reels showing pulled-together tots in various shades of beige, but that aesthetic isn’t achievable for everybody and it’s not very realistic either. Instead, I aim for comfort, quality and versatility and through that lens, I’ve been able to narrow it down to a short list of essentials like cotton onesies, leggings and singlet suits.
Here are the seven items in my baby’s capsule wardrobe.
A good quality sleep bag.
Image: Supplied.