@yeahyepyes a romantic partnership, despite the high divorce rates, probably has a better chance of surviving long term than two friends where there [is] probably a good chance one of them could find a romantic parter and move out.
@okay Well, when you live alone, you try and be efficient and prepare enough for two meals. But after eating the first meal portion, you come back fifteen minutes later and eat the second as well.
@mamamia-user-482898552 And on a related point, a big bug bear of mine, is the whole claim that food is expensive. When I was surviving on savings/government-benefits, my whole weekly food budget was less than twenty dollars. And I never felt like I was missing out on anything. (C'mon, as a single person, you don't have to prepare fancy meals; you can eat anything.) Yes, you can't eat socially with people, and you can't invite people over for a meal; but that's not being able to eat; that's not being able to socialise. An important, but different issue.
@babble I always find it odd how politicians ... feel the need to bring their families into ...
@claire.aikman Wow! Thanks
@ican'tthinkofone What, can you just post a picture of someone in Google, and it will tell you who designed their clothes and how much they are?
Laura was wearing a ... dress and matching jacket from ... Carla Zampatti. The cost ... just under $1,900
Oprah's body and what she does with it is nobody's business but hers. After years of having her body picked apart by the media, this is the autonomy she deserves.
It wasn't long before we had met each other's friends and families
Yes, I agree having celebrities was wrong. They were clearly just there to build their profile (and take the celebrity payment).
Joe dumped two girlfriends before filming
those big-name American celebrities ... cost ... a whole hell of a lot of money
On a related point, if you have an upset stomach, a great tip I learned once was this: grate an apple, let the pulp turn brown, then eat it. It's amazing.
@vipope17 So I'm not the only one who has never heard of the term 'whet'.
And in these times of open female sexuality fluidity, can women please stop calling their female friends their 'girlfriend'.
there's still plenty of drama to whet our appetites
the same goes for her best mate, who gives her half of everything she makes in content creation as well
@mamamia-user-482898552 I think the Kardashians ... put the feminist cause back 50 years
@snorks I think most people see cheating an insurance company as something "borderline illegal". As per this article, people openly brag about it.