I think they look ok but I’m not against a bit of Botox and a laser myself so can’t really fling mud just because they are men.
Given this article was written in 2020 she had her wish come true. Two years of covid homeschooling - no small talk, no nude lunches or book week.
She lost this one when she told a woman who vomits through pregnancy that she has baby brain.
@emjoycut I’m starting to feel sorry for him more as this plays out. There is obviously a lot of pain there and I can’t see how the publicising of it actually helps him as an individual apart from the dollars made out of it. It won’t resolve the family trauma and is likely to ostracise his kids from the last shred of family that they have. This may not seem much to some people but it is important in particular if you are part of such a historic family. I am a child of immigrants and when I go back to my parents homeland I feel a deep loss of connection to my heritage and family connection.
@snorks for me its not about arguing against your point. It’s about the fact that his comments around women, in particular around women not being property, but belonging to men mean that, for me, it is not about the context in which he has said something or the entirety of his message; it is about the fact that young men are attracted to it. For me it is the fact that the void of what I would consider healthy role models for young men are being filled by the likes of Tate.
@mamamia-user-482898552 Perhaps it be the subject of her next podcast - ‘you’re normal’ the archetypes that women use to shut other women down
@snorks Mens health is important. Young men are searching for role models. Tate is attractive to a contingent of men. His views of behaviours around women are important and cannot be ignored. His views on mens health cannot be viewed in isolation of his views on women. Men and women both deserve to be mentally healthy and safe.
@caz on one hand he states he wants to make money independently while simultaneously monetising his royal lineage. I don’t understand how people cannot see the hypocrisy.
@snorks the moment he says anything about violence against women the remainder of his ‘positive’ messaging becomes the grooming of young men to his overall message. I am appalled that he is considered an example of a positive male message by anyone. Surely we can find another example for young men to look up to
@rush anything good he says he probably does to normalise the rest. Kind of the way he has been accused of grooming young women
The excerpts have actually made me like Willy, a person of whom I’ve never had an opinion. With respect to Harry, good for him telling his truth but her could have done it without talking about his other Willy.
@rush if someone I barely knew said I had baby brain, I too would have made them cry. Saying that to a woman is a means of shutting her down.
@mamamia-user-482898552 I am in the last couple of years of the Gen x, with kids under 10 so I fall squarely in the demographic she is writing about. I didn’t identify with much, so I thought perhaps that she is actually writing about herself vs specific people in her circle and using it to draw conclusions about a whole generations.
I committed to reading this with an open mind as I am a Gen X parent. However as I read it I noticed that there was nothing in really positive light about Gen X parents. The introduction and conclusion felt like a compliment sandwich. As a Gen X I often get forgotten in the Boomer and Millenial generation clashes and I must admit I prefer it that way as I don’t care for generational mud slinging.
@poodletime what I meant was that I see a lot written about toxic masculinity (much for good reason) however it would also be good to see stories about men in our community or the world that are not like that. I worry that some young men are floundering with respect to what it means to be a man and how to be a man. People like Tate fill this void in an incredibly negative way.
I am conflicted with my opinion on this one. On one hand I understand the desire for monetary compensation. However which branches of a family tree do you follow? Only those who still have money? How do you prove that their current position is 100% related to their ancestors? What about branches of the family tree that have lost it all? Or only those who still have money tied to something related to the slave trade? Or only down the line of the fist born male? How do you get reparations for something that was legal when it was done? Once compensation is won who is to be the beneficiary? The current government or actual people who can prove a line of descent?
I can’t believe he is blaming his brother and sister in law for wearing a Nazi outfit. It reminds me of my kids when they say “she made me do it”. Own your actions is what I say to my 5 year old.
I have never thought of the term in a negative light. For me it’s a medical term not a judgement on parenting. I have a friend who has ADHD and refers to herself as neural atypical in social situations.
I do think that it would be a positive for teens and young men for the media cover men with balanced and different viewpoints.
I go a mock tail or mineral water. The hardest thing about not drinking at an event is how offended some people get.