In case you haven't been slinking around the internet, Go-To just hit double digits: it's 10 years old. Which doesn't seem right because it only came out, like, yesterday? And we're all still 21?? So. Anyway, it's a huge milestone — and Go-To fan or not, you have to admit that the buzz around this brand and everything they do is LEGIT.
Whether you want to put it down to the fuss-free approach to the often (always) complicated game of skincare, the cute packaging or the fact that everyone is just utterly *obsessed* with Zoë Foster Blake, Go-To's products are slowly taking over the world.
Watch: Want luminous skin? Of course you do. We all do. Here are three steps to achieve glowing skin. Post continues below.
So, you know what we did? We thought it would be fun to pull together a ranking of all the best Go-To products kicking around.
Big fan of ZFB? Listen to No Filter, Mamamia’s podcast where Mia Freedman interviews Zoë Foster Blake about her life, relationships and how she kick-started her career. Post continues after podcast.
In celebration of Go-To's 10th birthday, here's a list of the best Go-To products, and why people love them so much:
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