I still remember the day so vividly.
It was April 2016. I was sitting on the floor of my bedroom sorting out “life admin” when out of the blue, a wave of heat came over my body. I started sweating profusely, and as fast as that hot flush came into my body, it left.
I knew instantly that something was very, very wrong.
In December 2015, my now fiance and I had made the decision to start a family. I had just turned 41. I was under no illusion that it would be easy and knew that potentially I would need IVF.
But this still did not deter me from fulfilling my dream of having a family and being a mum.
Watch: The best bits about being in your 40s. Post continues after video.
I remember making an appointment with my GP. Bloods were taken, and then it was the agonising wait for the results.
I will never forget the doctor going through the results with me. All of my levels showed only one thing: I was peri-menopausal. Not exactly the news any woman wants to hear when they have just stopped their contraception and entered baby-making mode.
I was referred to a fertility specialist in Melbourne. AMH results showed that I had less than one per cent of my eggs left.
Being an only daughter in my family, it was difficult to work out if premature menopause ran in my family. My mum had a hysterectomy in her late twenties but had three miscarriages before falling pregnant.
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