As a mum and stepmum of four teens and tweens - all with varying levels of attitude - I sometimes fantasise that someone will take my children away and teach them how to pull their weight, take care of their own sh*t, and behave like civilised humans.
But that's all it is: a fantasy.
I love them all dearly, and really see it as my responsibility that they grow up feeling loved, nurtured, and - to the best of my ability - as untraumatised as possible.
But something sinister has been going on in the US for decades now, and it's starting to garner some serious attention online. Kids who have been 'kidnapped' and taken to wilderness camps are telling their stories on TikTok, and they're not only wild, they're downright disturbing.
Watch: What Happened in So-Called 'Gone Girl' Kidnapping Case. Post continues below.
Teens are telling of being woken in the middle of the night, having their hands handcuffed or tied with cable ties, and being bundled into a vehicle with strangers and taken away against their will.
And the craziest thing about all of this is that this is being done with the express written permission of their parents, who have signed over parental rights to an organisation that promises to straighten them out and return them to their families after their camp with a renewed appreciation for their family, their school, and the law.
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